The Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia has a new Lodge in Henry County. On June 16, 2022 at the most worshipful Prince Hall Lodge of Georgia 151st Grand Session, through the leadership and vision of Brother Mathew Lewis and Brother Reggie R. Walker and Brother John K. Bailey, James Earl Acey Lodge #600 PHA recieved their charter. The Honorable Corey D. Shackleford Sr. presides as their 18th Most Worshipful Grand Master.
Rising Sun Foundation is their Associated nonprofit organization. Their journey started back in September 2018 with an inquiry and request to establish a new lodge. They were issued a dispensation by Grand Master Corey Shackleford Sr. in March of 2020.
While "Under Dispensation" they focused on serving the community of Henry County and represented this illustrious organization to the fullest. They volunteered at Commissioner Dee Clemmons Toy Drive and The Toys For Tots warehouse, donating school supplies and COVID cleaning supplies to Fairview Elementary School. They continously donated to senior centers and held register to vote rallies in Henry County. They established their Annual Golf tournament Fundraiser and completed many other community service projects in the Henry County and South Atlanta communities.
James Earl Acey Lodge No. 600 sends appreciation to the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Georgia ans to the Honorable Corey D. Shackleford Sr. the 18th Most Worshipping Grand Master of the Jurisdiction of Georgia for the opportunity to serve the Henry County communities.
Men of Vision
James Earl Acey Lodge No. 600 PHA
Stockbridge, GA
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