Hello Friends and Golf Supporters,
- Golfing For Success Inc. will be hosting an Online (Virtual) Auction,
that will start Wednesday, February 1st, 2023 @ 10:00 PM EST, and ends
Thursday, February 16th, 2023 @ 10:00 PM EST.
.. This Fundraising online auction was created to raise funds for the
development of our Youth and Adults, as well as, developing
Networking opportunities for Golfing For Success Inc. Please register NOW for the auction
and please encourage others in and out of your circle to also register.Create a Auction social media group and really help the cause.
There is a Donation tab that will allow you to just “Donate”
Please Register!

It is easy to do!... Just go to this link - YourCharityAuction.com/GFS and
Register for the Auction. Each Bidder must be registered, so help the word get out and share

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