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Free Yourself From The Judgement of Sin: CaDee Motivates Youth To Walk In Assignment


written by Michael Brown

Minister, author, youth motivational speaker, CaDarius Shannon.

Minister CaDarius Shannon encourages us all to be confident in our assignment regardless of the culture of judgment in the churches or our sin; he reminds us we all sin and fall short of the glory of GOD, so stay focused on our purpose because we're still anointed to do a work.  He says our sin doesn't dictate who we really are.  

He speaks to the state of the church in 2024 and encourages intention towards purpose vs focus on judgment for sin.

Mr. Shannon continues to do everything in his will to connect to the youth; if it takes wearing nappy hair to be in the mix, or whatever will attract the youth that need to hear & heal from voids.

He says social media is distorting reality and he's helping to change perspectives from the inside face to face contact.  Minister CaDarius said the first key is showing love not judgment, the Word of God alone does the internal work.

CaDarius says the youth are packing the churches now, church is different (no Sunday schools) more is on the ministers to responsibly deliver the WORD OF GOD effectively and his focus is on youth.


Minister Shannon says his ministry started in the clubs, while bullets flew by his head, in the midst of his sin.  He’s been involved in multi-cultural ministries that instilled love as the main component.  God's will is going to be fulfilled regardless of where we are if we just stay focused on GOD.

CaDarius says the name of JESUS has power and it shows. He's seen too many instances where JESUS name has shifted his environment.  Minister Shannon says your ministry covering makes a huge difference as he’s served with Tabernacle of praise (pastor TJ McBride) where he’s served for 9+ years of obedience and servitude.  Mr. Shannon says part of staying on focused task is simply saying “YES.” He says, your YES is not just for yourself.  He learned that by being a servant.

Minister CaDarius Shannon is a family man with wife & 4 kids and still finds time to be an author of a book called “Stop Doubting You.” Some of the key highlights are; never doubt yourself, some people work 9-5’s while others have dreams and visions GOD gave them for generations & wealth; it's up to each individual to trust themselves and the leading of GOD to see it be manifest.  Know that each one has what it takes to fulfill each dream & vision given.

Minister Shannon reflects on one of his favorite chapters entitled “stop dreaming.” It speaks on taking the dream to a reality by teaching ways to move versus just daydreaming.  The idea is, dreaming is like a rocking chair, one can rock all day, it gives you something to do, but if one never gets up to process what one thinks about, it's pointless.  Instead, one should make our request, respond, receive, then go to work. 

Minister Shannon says; he created this book to be a simple read for many ages.  It's a 75 page, interactive workbook, get your copy today.

Mr. CaDarius speaks on the importance of balance regarding family.  There are times he has to shut everything down to spend intentional family time.  He says, never get so busy you forget to create a life and support the family.

Shannon says he wants to continue motivational speaking and dealing with the youth.  He says it has to be a spiritual awakening to feed our youth.  He says, it starts at home, talk to your kids, minister to them at the house.  He challenges parents to learn at their children & teens levels.  Share in their social media so we know what stimulates them.


He agrees to be radical & shake things up, challenging teens to be different and confident, yet showing the youth love; less judgment and more love.  Shannon says be aware it doesn't matter if you're in the hood or suburbs, trials & problems still exist, so he intends to continue reaching youth abroad.

Get Your Copy Of The New Book "Stop Doubting Yourself"


Minister CaDarius Shannon Appears On VOTV

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